Token swapping is the process of exchanging one type of cryptocurrency or token for another, typically on a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) like Uniswap. It’s a quick way to get the specific token you need without using traditional money (like dollars).
The following steps detail how to swap the Layer 2 ETH or USDC in your wallet for STABLE: .
- Visit Uniswap on Base.
- Connect your Base-enabled wallet.
- Select ETH or USDC as the "From" token and StableMEME (STABLE) as the "To" token.
- NOTE: ensure you are swapping for the correct token, search for STABLE using the contract address: 0xc74d23c560536c7c67ad5e7a04367055e233a096
- Enter the amount you wish to swap.
- Follow the prompts to Approve and Swap.
- In your wallet, Approve the transaction to give Uniswap Protocol permission to swap the token.
- Also in your wallet, Sign the message.
- Confirm the swap in your wallet which will submit the transaction to the blockchain.
- You will see “Swap success” and a green checkmark if it was successful.
For more detailed instructions please refer to Uniswap’s help center here. If you’re having issues successfully swapping for STABLE, check out our trouble shooting tips here.
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